Marjoram Soaps and Products

Sweet marjoram, Origanum majorana, is an herb closely related to oregano but not quite so pizza-ish.
in stock, Herbaria, new, Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Shaving & Grooming > Aftershave, Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Shaving & Grooming > Aftershave, 853357005026, B-AFT-M, 2 fl oz and 4 fl oz
Herbaria Aftershaves condition your skin to make your face feel great for hours, even after the closest shave. They smell irresistible from essential oils, not irritating synthetic fragrance.
In stock

(Cost determined by selections)
in stock, Various, new, 10 ml, .5 oz, and 1 oz bottles, Please select one
Because you asked, we now sell 45 of the same pure essential oils we use to scent our soaps and other products. They come in half-ounce and one-ounce amber glass bottles with screw caps. Select them from the dropdown list. Over the past dozen years, we have established reliable suppliers of quality oils from all over the world. Because we purchase in bulk, we can offer smaller quantities to you at a good price.
In stock

in stock, Herbaria, new, Animals & Pet Supplies > Pet Supplies > Pet Grooming Supplies > Pet Shampoo & Conditioner, Animals & Pet Supplies > Pet Supplies > Pet Grooming Supplies > Pet Shampoo & Conditioner, 854534001664, B-AP, 4 fl oz
After bathing your dog with Soapys Choice shampoo bar, drizzle or spritz some Soapys Apres le Bain moisturizing lotion onto the fur and massage it into his or her coat and skin. You will love the shine it leaves. This all natural balm will scent your dog with pleasantly fragrant canine-friendly essential oils. Kiss, kiss!
In stock

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