How can we claim our products to be "fragrance-free" when nearly everything from Herbaria is unquestionably scented? "Fragrance-free" means we never put synthetic fragrance oils in any of our products.
What Fragrance Means
Check the ingredients in your store-bought soap and skincare products. Most likely, you’ll see the word “fragrance.” That single word can stand for hundreds (over 3,000!) of potentially harmful chemicals.
Bad for Your Skin
According to the American Academy of Dermatologists, synthetic fragrance is the number one skin irritant, and is listed among the top five allergens.
Even products labeled "scent-free" can use ingredients to mask smells.
The Essential Oil Difference
Contrast those artificial fragrances with our natural essential oils. Essential oils are made from plants, usually steam distilled, some cold-pressed, from lavender, peppermint, patchouli, and other safe, aromatherapeutic herbs.
Essential oils are more costly than fragrance oils, but they have been used, tested, and valued for many, many years.
Often, customers tell us that their skin couldn’t tolerate scented soaps, yet they had no adverse reaction to any of our varieties.
Exercise Your Sniffer
Our sense of smell is a wonderful gift. Enjoy it.
For more information, see our FAQs or watch our video, The Benefits of Essential Oils.
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