Ginger Soaps

Powdered ginger, Zingiber officinalis, adds a golden hue to the Ginger Neem bar.
in stock, Herbaria, new, Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Cosmetics > Bath & Body > Bar Soap, Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Cosmetics > Bath & Body > Bar Soap, 854534001473, F-GN, buy-6-get-1-free, 4.5 oz bar
This is no childs ginger cookie. This is a serious soap with a spicy, earthy, woody blend of ginger and neem, two revered plants from the Indian subcontinent. The fragrance of fresh ginger essential oil stimulates your senses and creates an exotic atmosphere for your bath.
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in stock, Herbaria, new, Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Cosmetics > Bath & Body > Bath Sponges & Loofahs, Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Cosmetics > Bath & Body > Bath Sponges & Loofahs, 854534001633, F-SS-M, 8 oz round bars, Biotherapy Black Luffa
Welcome to an extraordinary shower. Luffa soap will quickly become your skins BFF. We’ve incorporated our moisturizing soap into whole natural luffas (also spelled loofah). The ones we use come directly to us from Egypt. Luffa aegyptiaca is a member of the Cucurbitaceae (gourd) family that includes squash, pumpkins and zucchini. When young and tender, sponge gourds are eaten. When mature, they are used for a natural scrub. You will see why luffas have been used for thousands of years. They have a perfect texture for the job: not too rough but just right.
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