Herbaria featured at Whole Foods Market, Town & Country, MO.
Thanks for Your Interest!
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Sales Only to Brick-and-Mortar Stores
To be clear about our business arrangement, we reserve the right to sell our goods online. However, our online customers routinely ask where to buy Herbaria products in stores near them.
Most Herbaria soaps retail for $6.49 per bar and wholesale for $3.25. Our premium bars retail for $8.49 per bar and wholesale for $4.25. Other products wholesale for half the retail cost.
Retail Offers Do Not Apply
Please note that wholesale customers do not qualify either for our “buy 6 get 1 free” or for free shipping offers.
Shipping Information
Wholesale customers pay shipping charges. We find the lowest rates available and that’s exactly what we charge you. The shipping price quoted on the website is a good approximation of the actual final cost, though if we're able to ship for less, we will adjust your price accordingly and notify you.
United States Postal Service is our standard carrier. If you want a different shipper, please contact us.
No Minimum Order
Order as few or as many items as you like.
Online Wholesale Orders
If You Don't Have a Wholesale Account Established
If you order online without first logging in under a wholesale account, you will see only retail prices, but you can still place your order. Simply request wholesale status in the Comments Box at the end of Checkout and we will adjust your order accordingly. You will not be charged retail—orders are processed by real people here at Herbaria.
Display Boxes
6-bar refillable cardboard display boxes are available free by request only with your purchase of a dozen bars of a single variety. These boxes show off and dispense our soaps to their best advantage.
The 6-bar display boxes refill easily and keep bars straight on your shelves.
Hints for Success
Selling Points
Our soaps sell well because they are:
Marketing Advantages
Citronella Mist Display
The Citronella Mist display shows off the three sizes it comes in: 2 oz travel and pocket, 4 oz camping and car, 8 oz economical home size. it comes in. $50. 18.5” high, 11.75” wide 10.75” deep
Goodby Headache Display
Goodbye Headache display is free with a two dozen purchase upon request.
Here to Help
If we can assist you in any way, please call us at 866-OAT-SOAP