While some people use the bathroom sink, we recommend shaving in the shower. You'll get a more comfortable shave with less mess.
It's water that softens hair, and warm water works best.
The first step is to wash the area to be shaved with any of our soaps. This not only cleanses the skin but removes oils from the hair so that it can absorb the water.
Then you need lubrication. Rub your favorite Herbaria bar on the whiskers. You can lather it up if you like but it's not necessary.
At this point, you can turn off the shower so as not to waste water.
Men, the trick for shaving in the shower is to have a fog-free mirror. Any plastic mirror will remain fog-free for a day if you soap it up and then rinse it off.
With a clean, sharp razor, take short, light strokes. Hold loose skin taut. Shave the beard with the grain, not against it. Shave legs from the ankles upward.
Turn the shower back on and rinse off.
Don't worry about missing a spot or two. You'll check in the mirror when you get out.
Finish up with one of our Aftershaves. Your face will feel good all day.
Travelers, our solid soaps pass right through TSA. You can't take aerosols on a plane larger than travel-sized.
Bottom line—shave with Herbaria soaps to avoid a host of potentially irritating chemicals, detergents, and synthetic fragrances.
Try our Shave Soaps.
To soothe and protect your skin after shaving, try our Aftershaves.
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