Frankincense Soaps and Products

Frankincense tree

"A royal treasure, if not an outright religious experience."

Maxine Stone, Webster Groves, MO


It's the Real Thing

Frankincense, Boswellia carteri, is derived from resin produced in the bark of the frankincense tree. This ancient oil from the Middle East has a warm and luxurious appeal.

in stock, Herbaria, new, Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Shaving & Grooming, Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Shaving & Grooming, 853357005316, B-BO-M, 2 fl oz, Bay Rum
Herbaria Beard Oil soothes and conditions your beard and the skin under it without being greasy. You will look good all day and your skin will be itch-free. In response to customer requests, we developed this odorless blend of moisturizing organic oils: jojoba, high oleic sunflower seed and babassou. These oils wont clog pores but will soften coarse whiskers, keep hair follicles healthy and leave your beard shiny. Terrific for your hair, too.
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in stock, Herbaria, new, Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Cosmetics > Skin Care > Lotion & Moisturizer, Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Cosmetics > Skin Care > Lotion & Moisturizer, 853357005255, B-BOD, 2.6 oz net wt
This velvety skin balm applies smoothly and leaves skin silky. It is loaded with antioxidants and safe for all ages, even babies. Biotherapy Body Butter smells pleasantly nutty and sweet. Mango and cocoa butters and oils of almond, coconut, avocado and rosehips soften and hydrate skin. This moisturizing stick soothes sun damage and helps prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. Biotherapy Body Butter melts at body temperature. It can melt in a hot car or in your luggage. It resolidifies but gets grainy.
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in stock, Herbaria, new, Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Deodorant & Anti-Perspirant, Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Deodorant & Anti-Perspirant, 854534001824, B-D-M, 2 fl oz and 8 fl oz, 2 oz. ($5.99), Rose Bergamot
Herbaria Deodorants are safe and gentle, without any of the many questionable chemicals found in most antiperspirants and deodorants such as synthetic fragrance, aluminum, parabens, petrochemicals, and propylene glycol.
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(Cost determined by selections)
in stock, Various, new, 10 ml, .5 oz, and 1 oz bottles, Please select one
Because you asked, we now sell 45 of the same pure essential oils we use to scent our soaps and other products. They come in half-ounce and one-ounce amber glass bottles with screw caps. Select them from the dropdown list. Over the past dozen years, we have established reliable suppliers of quality oils from all over the world. Because we purchase in bulk, we can offer smaller quantities to you at a good price.
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in stock, Herbaria, new, Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Cosmetics > Bath & Body > Bar Soap, Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Cosmetics > Bath & Body > Bar Soap, 854534001534, F-FM, buy-6-get-1-free, 4.5 oz bar
These two ancient fragrances have been revered for over 5,000 years. Renowned as the gift of the Magi to the baby Jesus, and even more valuable than the gold they brought, frankincense and myrrh offered treasures in addition to their heavenly scents. As with all our soaps, Herbaria does not use imitation fragrances. To make this soap, we add genuine steam distilled essential oils imported from Somalia. These costly oils account for the bars premium price. The frankincense is derived from a resin of the Boswellia carterii tree; the myrrh is a resin from the Commifora myrrha tree. Finely ground Rhassoul clay, from the Atlas Mountains of Morocco, is marbled into this bar to provide a mineral-rich toner. Shea butter, also from Africa, moisturizes and protects your skin. We believe you will find this soap a royal treasure.
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in stock, Herbaria, new, Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Cosmetics > Bath & Body, Home & Garden > Bathing, 124456789651, M-SS, Citronella

These incense sticks are handmade here in St. Louis by fellow craftsmen who share our directive to make strictly all-natural products. They've developed the most wonderful scents!

hand-rolled incense

Each tube contains seven sticks, and each stick burns for about an hour. They are quite fragrant. You may choose to burn just a part of a stick at a time.

All are made with the powdered bark of the makko tree, Machillus thunbergii. This bark is naturally combustible—no need for charcoal or saltpeter. There is no punk stick to burn as the incense dough is extruded and hand-cut, resulting in pure, resinous, and herbal material. 

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