Hypoallergenic Soaps

These hypoallergenic soaps are unlikely to cause an allergic reaction even in people prone to allergies.

However, let us say here that most allergic reactions are to synthetic fragrance, colorants, and detergents, none of which we use in any of our products.

in stock, Herbaria, new, Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Cosmetics > Bath & Body > Bar Soap, Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Cosmetics > Bath & Body > Bar Soap, 853357005156, buy-6-get-1-free, 4.5 oz bar, Cedar Cypress
Not every test we make becomes a bar we want to keep in rotation.  Try our newest creations and we'll see what our customers love and what should stick around.
In stock

in stock, Herbaria, new, Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Cosmetics > Bath & Body > Bar Soap, Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Cosmetics > Bath & Body > Bar Soap, 854534001015, F-LSF-M, buy-6-get-1-free, 4.5 oz bar, with oatmeal
Over a decade ago, LaRee DeFreece developed our first soaps. Of all the varieties she created, this pure, unscented Castile soap is still her favorite. She loves the nourishing, moisturizing addition of extra shea butter and avocado oil. LaRee’s Scent Free is also available with ground oatmeal. Oatmeal exfoliates dead skin cells and offers colloidal benefits to further soothe and soften skin.
In stock

in stock, Herbaria, new, Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Cosmetics > Bath & Body > Bar Soap, Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Cosmetics > Bath & Body > Bar Soap, 854534001107, F-LO-M, buy-6-get-1-free, 4.5 oz bar, Regular—medium grind oats
Hands down, we get more positive reports on our Lavender Oatmeal than on any other bar. Its so popular that, to suit a variety of skin types, we offer the soap in three different grinds of oatmeal, Regular, Extra Exfoliating, and Extra Colloidal.
In stock

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866-OATSOAP (628-7627)



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